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게송 (揭頌) 1113

45절. 인과응보 Law of Cause and Effect 45절. 인과응보 Law of Cause and Effect 뿌린대로 거두리라 As you sow, so shall you reap, 모든것은 스스로가 everything is a result of one's own 생각하고 행을했던 I thought about it and did it 그결과가 시간지나 If the results are too late 얻어진다 하는교훈 a lesson which is said to be obtained 나의생각 모든행동 My thoughts and all actions, 주파수로 발생되어 generated through the frequency, 허공으로 퍼져나가 emanate into the emptiness, 전우주에 전달되며 transmitted throughou.. 2024. 3. 5.
44절. 무지(無知) Ignorance 44절. 무지(無知) Ignorance 아세상의 모든것은 All things in this world, 하나님이 나투우신 by the divine, 아름다운 세상이며 a beautiful realm created 그속안에 거하시는 It's inside 성령들은 위대하네 The Holy Spirit is great 삼라만상 모든물질 the All things and all material, 영원토록 생사일여 eternally cycling through life and death, 지수화풍 조건으로 On the condition of the four great material elements 조합되고 흩어지고 It's combined and scattered 윤회하며 존재하네 It exists in rei.. 2024. 3. 4.
43절. 선지자 The Prophet 43절. 선지자 The Prophet 진리말씀 전달하니 Delivering the words of truth, 의문의심 드는구나 Doubt arises in questioning minds. 아는만큼 분별하니 Discerning as one knows, 진리화신 시비하고 I'll fight for the truth 따지기를 먼저하네 You're picking on me first 허공에서 나투어서 In the empty space, a struggle unfolds, 삼라만상 존재하니 Existence prevails in the All things 모든만물 화신되어 All creations manifest as divine, 생과사가 생겨나고 Life and death emerge, 진리자리 진공묘유 .. 2024. 3. 3.
42절. 나그네 The Stranger 42절. 나그네 The Stranger 진리설할 예수없고 There's no Jesus to preach the truth, 듣고따를 중생없고 And there's no sentient being to listen and follow, 오고갈법 또한없네 There's no law to come and go, 설을해도 설함없고 Even if it's preached, there's no preaching, 설할만한 법도없네 And there's no law to preach. 각자중생 다만이름 Each sentient being is just a name, 서로다른 이름일뿐 Just different names, 여러가지 인연속에 In various relationships, 내가없는 깨달음이 The re.. 2024. 3. 2.