10절. 포교(布敎), 無爲의行(Spreading the Gospel, Action of Non-Doings)
10절. 포교(布敎), 無爲의行 (Spreading the Gospel, Action of Non-Doings) 예수님이 하나님의 Jesus, spreading the world of God's truth, 진리세상 설파하며 깨달음을 얻은자는 Those who have attained enlightenment, 세상일체 중생들에 Commanded to spread the gospel 복음잔파 명하셨네 To all living beings in the world. 일을하며 돈도벌고 Doing work, earning money, 사랑하고 세속살며 Loving and living in the secular world, 제도함을 사명으로 Take the action of non-doing as your mis..
2024. 1. 30.