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게송 (揭頌) 1

42절. 나그네 The Stranger

by 꽃단청 2024. 3. 2.


42절. 나그네 The Stranger                                                    



진리설할 예수없고 There's no Jesus to preach the truth,
듣고따를 중생없고 And there's no sentient being to listen and follow,
오고갈법 또한없네 There's no law to come and go,
설을해도 설함없고 Even if it's preached, there's no preaching,
설할만한 법도없네 And there's no law to preach.

각자중생 다만이름 Each sentient being is just a name,
서로다른 이름일뿐 Just different names,
여러가지 인연속에 In various relationships,
내가없는 깨달음이 The realization where there is no 'I',
그가바로 예수인데 That's Jesus.

어디에도 머무르지 Not staying anywhere,
치우치지 아니하고 Not leaning,
그저있는 그대로라 Just being as it is,
많은인연 모여잠시 Many relationships gather for a moment,
불리다가 사라질뿐 Only to be called and disappear.

그사람의 인연이란 The relationship of that person,
진실로서 믿음갖고 Truly believing,
돈오점수 진득해야 You must deeply understand the sudden awakening-gradual cultivation
진리자체 맛을알고 Know the taste of the truth itself,
무의의행 수행하네 And practice the law of non-action.

믿음없는 수행이란 A practice without faith,
진리없는 거짓일뿐 Is nothing but a lie without truth,
그속에서 머문다면 If you stay within it,
진짜인지 가짜인지 Whether it's real or fake,
떠나봐야 알수있네 You have to leave to know.








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