21절. 고난, 유혹 (Hardship, Temptation)
깨달음의 가르침은 The teachings of enlightenment
문자로서 언어로서 in words or language
가르칠수 없지만은 I can't deliver it,
그걸알고 듣는자는 But those who know and listen to it
벌거벗고 가르치네 Will shed their worldly attachments and teach.
깨달음과 모름과는 Enlightenment and ignorance
백지한장 차이지만 Differ only by a blank sheet of paper,
가는길은 고난의길 But the path is one of hardship,
어느것이 정답인지 Only those who have traveled it know
가본자만 아는자리 Which way is the right answer.
단무지로 열공하다 Working diligently like a fool,
어느사이 당나귀가 Unbeknownst, the donkey
그틈사이 비집고서 Squeezes in through the gap,
허한마음 자리잡고 Occupying the empty space with a restless mind,
온갖것에 유혹하네 And succumbing to various temptations.
고난들을 극복하고 Overcoming hardships,
가르침을 수용하여 Embracing teachings,
희로애락 도적들을 Thieves of joy, sorrow and pleasure
방비하고 의식전환 Be vigilant, change your mind,
하심으로 행을하면 If you work with a low mind
티끌쌓여 산이되고 Accumulating specks of dust, becoming a mountain,
별이되고 우주되어 Becoming a star, becoming the universe,
시공간에 구애없이 Unbound by time and space,
스스로가 빛이되어 Becoming one's own light,
진리자리 찾아가네 Seeking the seat of truth.
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