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게송 (揭頌) 1

79절. 탄육 Reproof

by 꽃단청 2024. 4. 8.

79절. 탄육 Reproof

탄육 Reproof





진리찾는 구도의길  The path of seeking truth,
비유로서 육아말씀 Speaks through the metaphor of parenting,
지극정성 다하는자 Those who show utmost sincerity,
이런저런 요령으로 Those who glimpse opportunities
기회들을 엿보는자 With various tactics.

제자들을 가르침에 In teaching the disciples,
알아듣고 행하는자 Those who understand and act,
절반쯤만 이해하고 Those who partially understand
모르고서 행하는자 And act without knowing,
각양각색 존재하네 Exist in all kinds and colors.

지극정성 행을하던 Whether you act with utmost sincerity,
어영부영 기회보든 Or vaguely look for opportunities,
시간대비 길고짧음  The length and shortness relative to time,
지나가면 어느정도  When it passes, to some extent,
근처까지 진리찾네 You find the truth nearby.

깨우침에 진리찾기 The length and shortness of time difference
길고짧음 시간차이 In finding the truth in enlightenment,
살아생전 찾는다면 If you find it during your lifetime,
알생일대 행운이며  It is a fortune of a lifetime,
복을받을 이유이며 And a reason to receive blessings.

역사적인 시기따라 According to historical periods,
종교적인 이해관계 Religious interests,
탄압으로 박해박고 Repressed and persecuted,
알고있던 모르던간 Whether they knew or not,
둘이다가 불행이네 Both are unfortunate.









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