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게송 (揭頌) 1

78절. 신언서판 Appearance, speech, writing, judgment

by 꽃단청 2024. 4. 7.

78절. 신언서판 Appearance, speech, writing, judgment



세상사는 사람들은 When people in the world
상대방을 파악할때 Try to understand others,
신언서판 이란옛말 They use the old saying,
겉을보고 말을듣고 Believe in words, look at faces,
글을보고 판단보고 Judge by what they see, hear, read, and observe.

처음부터 보는것이 From the beginning, what they see
겉을보고 판단하니 Is judged by appearances,
좋은옷을 입었는가 Did they dress well?
부드럽고 잘생겼나 Are they smooth and good-looking?
겉만보고 판단하네 They judge only by the surface.

진리배움 가르치는 Those who teach the truth,
사람들의 겉모습에 People are swayed
언변술에 이리저리 By their outward appearance and eloquence,
사람들을 따라다녀 Following them around,
숭배하고 추종하네 Worshipping and following.

인기있는 사람들을 They unconditionally follow
무조건적 추종하여 Popular individuals,
나중에야 내면적인 Only later to understand their
진정모습 알고나서 True inner nature,
그런사람 일줄이야 Realizing who they really are.

진리세상 가르침은 The teachings of the truth world
가본자만 아느거며 Are known only by those who have experienced them,
겉모양은 상관없고 Appearances don't matter,
진실함과 신실함이  Truthfulness and faithfulness
스승으로 적합하네 Make a suitable teacher.








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