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게송 (揭頌) 1

38절. 진리말씀 The Truthful Words

by 꽃단청 2024. 2. 27.


38절. 진리말씀 The Truthful Words                                    


화신으로 태어나서 Born as a divine being,
깨달음을 얻은사람 Attaining enlightenment,
모양모습 변화없고 The appearance remains unchanged,
진리말씀 전하여도 Even when delivering the truthful words,
진리인줄 모른다네 People fail to recognize the truth.

현세상에 법신모습 In the present world, manifesting as a Dharma body,
화신되어 나타나도 Appearing as a divine being,
어리석은 사람들은 Yet, foolish people,
자기자신 잣대로서 Judging based on their own standards,
알아보지 못한다네 Fail to recognize.

나이먹고 하얀수염 With age, white beard,
후덕하고 인자하고 Gentle and compassionate,
잘생기고 음성좋고 Attractive, with a pleasing voice,
이리저리 분별하여 Observing and discerning,
사람따라 믿음찾네 People seek faith according to appearances.

인간이란 수명갖고 Being human, with a limited lifespan,
태어나서 살아가며 Born, living,
진리말씀 포도하는 The time spent delivering the truthful words,
그시간을 본다하면 If seen from the perspective of the divine,
일촌광음 일것이네 It's but a brief moment.

깨달음은 특별한것 Enlightenment is not something extraordinary,
기이한것 아니라네 Not something mysterious,
지금바로 그모습에 In the present moment,
그음성에 모양모습 In that appearance, in that voice,
그대로가 진리이네 The truth is evident as it is.








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