3절. 천국, 부모 (Heaven, Parents)
천국이나 불국토나 Whether it's heaven or the land of Buddha,
물고기들 새들만에 Only for the fishes and the birds,
그들만이 이룬세상 A world achieved only by them,
완벽하신 하나님의 A harmonious world of
조화로운 세상일세 The perfect God.
삼라만상 모두다가 All things in the universe,
하나님의 세상인데 It's God's world,
이곳저곳 따져가며 Going here and there, scrutinizing,
무슨주소 정할손가 What address to set,
모두다가 하나인데 When everything is one.
하나님의 자녀로서 As God's children,
낳아주심 몰라보고 Not recognizing who gave birth to us,
어디에서 나왔는지 Where did you come from,
어디가서 찾는다냐 Where are you going to find it,
네가정녕 고아더냐 Are you really an orphan?
부모님의 은혜로서 With the grace of our parents,
풍요자연 그속에서 In the abundant nature,
부모말씀 잘들으며 Listening well to the words of the parents,
행복하게 사는것이 Living happily,
진정으로 효도라네 That's truly filial piety.
낳아주신 부모두고 Leaving the parents who gave birth to you,
어디가서 고아라고 Going somewhere and saying you're an orphan,
그런생각 갖는순간 The moment you have such a thought,
너의자신 초라하고 You yourself become miserable,
진정불행 초래하네 And it leads to real unhappiness.
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