2절. 진리 찾아 삼만리
(Searching for the Truth for Thirty Thousand Miles)
가고가고 가다보면 Going and going, if you keep going,
언젠가는 도달하네 Someday you will reach.
가는방편 수만가지 There are tens of thousands of ways to go,
어려운길 고난의길 A difficult path, a path of suffering,
수용또한 한가지길 Acceptance is also one way.
먼저찾은 그길또한 The path that was found first,
쉽게바로 알려줘도 Even if it's easily and directly taught,
믿어야만 갈수있지 You can only go if you believe.
의심하면 의심병에 If you doubt, by the disease of doubt,
고난의길 매한가지 Every path is a path of suffering.
나도없고 너도없고 There's no me, there's no you,
너도있고 나도있고 There's you, there's me,
색즉시공 공즉시색 When color becomes space, space becomes color,
하나님을 알게되니 Once you know God,
부처님도 모셨다네 You've also enshrined Buddha.
음양이란 무엇인가 What is Yin and Yang,
태극또한 삼라만상 Taeguk is also all things in the universe,
역리따라 신의세계 Following the principles, in God's world,
삼화취정 이루나니 When the three transformations are completed,
온세상이 나투이네 The whole world is I and you.
알고나니 돈오돈수 Once you know, I realize it now, but there's nothing to realize,
온세상이 경이롭고 The whole world is awe-inspiring,
문리트니 온갖경전 If you read and understand all kinds of scriptures,
문맹자도 깨우치니 Even the illiterate can awaken,
지혜또한 저절로라 Wisdom also comes naturally.
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