6절. 업장 ( Karma )
원자전자 분자세포 Atoms, electrons, molecules, cells,
모든정보 허공속에 All information is stored in the void,
파동으로 저장되어 saved as a wave
시간지나 인연따라 Over time, according to the relationship,
신의응답 발현하네 God's response manifests.
내가행한 모든일은 Everything I've done,
하나님이 주시하며 God has given,
어디에서 무얼하든 No matter where or what I do,
말도없이 묵묵하게 Without a word, silently,
지켜보며 계신다네 He is watching.
거짓이든 진실이든 Whether it's false or true,
나의모든 행위들은 All my actions,
파동으로 허공속에 As waves, in the void,
나의온몸 세포속에 In all the cells of my body,
차곡차곡 쌓여지네 They are stacked up little by little.
과거현재 미래업들 Past, present, future karma,
허공속에 세포속에 In the void, in the cells,
저장되고 유전되어 Stored and passed down,
업에따라 나타나니 Appearing according to the karma,
인과응보 따로있나 Is there separate cause and effect?
우주속에 존재하는 Everything existing in the universe,
모든만물 인연따라 All things, according to their relationships,
평상시에 행한업에 In the karma acted upon in ordinary times,
이리저리 얽혀지어 Entangled here and there,
나타나고 사라지네 Appear and disappear.
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