24절. 진리(The truth)
무극흑암 빛과어둠 In the boundless darkness, light and shadow,
그속에서 삼라만상 In it, everything is fine
모든것이 나투었네 Everything was a struggle
진리세상 인지하면 If you're aware of the truth
수용하면 천국이네 If you accept it, it's heaven
우리들은 경전들을 We're going to take the scriptures
의인화해 의식하니 It's personified. It's conscious
현실세계 천국세계 the real world heaven
이미모두 이루어진 already done
세상임을 모른다네 He doesn't know it's the world
생사일여 하나임을 It's life and death. It's one thing
하나님과 영생함을 God and eternal life
어디에서 나왔는지 Where did it come from
진리나라 깨달음을 Realization of the Jinri Dynasty
찾는다고 헤메이네 I'm looking for you, Hemane
여기인가 저기인가 Is it here or there
이것인가 저것인가 Is it this or that
말행동에 현혹되고 I'm misled by what I'm saying
거짓진리 추종하며 with false truths
많은시간 헤메이네 It's a lot of time
갖고있는 일반지식 general knowledge of one's possession
버리고서 인식전환 Throw it away and change your perception
수용하고 믿는다면 If you accept and believe
하나님의 진리나라 the kingdom of God's truth
천국세상 바로얻네 You're getting the heaven right away
'명상 > 게송 (揭頌) 1' 카테고리의 다른 글
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