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명상/게송 (揭頌) 1

26절. 역지사지(易地思之) Change Your Perspective

by 꽃단청 2024. 2. 15.


26절.  역지사지(易地思之) Change Your Perspective     


노래에도 내게그런  Even in song, don't offer
핑계또한 대지를마  Such excuses to me,
입장바꿔 생각해봐 Put yourself in my shoes,
니가지금 나라면은 Consider, if it were you right now,
넌웃을수 있니하는 Could you still smile?

네가원치 않는바는 What you don't wish upon yourself,
남에게도 행치말라 Don't impose on others,
상대편과 처지들을 Regarding the positions of others,
바꾸어서 생각해라 Think by swapping places,
공자님의 말씀이라 The words of Confucius.

논쟁에서 사용되는 In debates, when engaged,
상대방이 자신의견 Listen deeply to the opinions
주위깊게 경청하듯 Of the other party,
본인또한 상대의견 As if hearing your own,
주의깊게 경청하라 Attend closely to their words.

살다보면 서로각자 In life, everyone holds
다른생각 가지고서 Different thoughts and reasons,
이유등은 듣지않고 Without listening to explanations,
자기주장 펼치며는 Asserting one's own opinion
논쟁들이 발생하네 Leads to conflicts.

상대방의 처지에서 From the perspective of the other,
진지하게 생각하면 Think earnestly,
협의점을 찾게되고 You'll find common ground,
감정적인 영역으로 And it won't escalate
확장되지 않는다네 Into the realm of emotions.








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