17절. 없는마음(Mind of Nothingness)
태어나서 보고듣고 Born and seeing, hearing,
여러가지 교육으로 Through various educations,
살아가며 배우면서 Living and learning,
분별심이 키워지며 Discrimination grows,
편향지식 채워지네 Biased knowledge is filled.
그잣대로 판단하고 Judging by that standard,
이것들이 맞는다고 Saying that these things are correct,
내속에다 쌓아가며 Piling up in my heart,
시시비비 희로애락 Petty disputes, joys and sorrows,
분별지어 살아가네 Living by distinguishing.
마음없음 살펴보면 If you look at the mind of nothingness,
처음사람 만났을때 When you first met a person,
그에대한 생각없고 There's no thought about him,
만나면서 상을채워 As you meet and fill up the impressions,
그사람을 판단하네 You judge that person.
좋고싫음 거짓진실 Likes and dislikes, false and true,
내속편견 가지고서 With my inner prejudice,
생긴마음 없던마음 The mind that has arisen, the mind that was not,
진실이라 판단하며 Judging it as truth,
그속에서 살아가네 Living within it.
마음정체 알고나니 Knowing the identity of the mind,
내가아는 마음이란 The mind that I know,
생각판단 모든것이 Thoughts, judgments, everything,
거짓이며 허상이라 Are false and illusions,
그대로가 진리이네 Just as it is, it's the truth.
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