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게송 (揭頌) 1

89절. 겉과 속 Exterior and Interior

by 꽃단청 2024. 4. 18.

89절. 겉과 속  Exterior and Interior                                     


겉과 속  Exterior and Interior

모든것은 안과밖이 Everything's inside and outside
서로달리 존재하며 They complement each other,
내용물이 충실해야 The substance must be rich,
그물건의 효용성과 For the utility and worth
값어치가 빛이나네 To shine forth.

겉모습만 아름답게 Merely having a beautiful exterior,
번지르르 보인다고 Gleaming brightly,
좋은것이 아니라네 Doesn't necessarily mean it's good,
속이알찬 것인데도 Even if the inside is rich,
겉이허술 할수있네 The exterior could be shoddy.

옛속담에 인면수심 an old saying about a person's face
동상이몽 양두구육 Same Bed, Different Dreams, Two Pigs,

                               and Two Pigs
이중성을 표현하는 expressing duality
속담들이 많은것은 There are a lot of proverbs
인간들의 모습이네 It's a human being

모든것은 하기나름 Everything has its own measure,
진실로서 자기자신 Genuinely, for oneself,
경계하고 바로세워 Setting boundaries firmly,
안과밖이 하나되게 So that inner and outer become one,
진리로서 채운다면 Filling with truth.

생각하는 갈대라고 Though it's said that humans are

                               like thinking reeds,
단정지어 말하지만 Conclusively judging,
굳건하게 믿음같고 If one steadfastly believes,
노력하고 행을하면 And strives and acts,
천국건설 이뤄지네 Heaven's construction will be realized.








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