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게송 (揭頌) 1

88절. 수수(授受) Giving and Receiving

by 꽃단청 2024. 4. 17.

88절. 수수(授受) Giving and Receiving                              


수수(授受) Giving and Receiving

무지몽매 중생들에 To the ignorant and bewildered beings,
하나님을 영접하는 To receive God,
실질적인 방편들을 Practical means
가르치고 전달하며 Teaching and transmitting
이끌어서 전도하네 Guiding and preaching.

참진리를 찾는방편 Methods to find true wisdom,
쉽게쉽게 가르치니 Easily taught,
나를비워 회개하고 Emptying oneself, repenting,
감사하고 찬양하며 Grateful, praising,
내가없어 황홀하네 Losing oneself in ecstasy.

그동안에 지은업을 Forgiving past sins,
버리고서 용서빌고 Abandoning them, seeking forgiveness,
지내오며 함께해온 Grateful to all
모든이에 감사하며 Who have been together,
소리없이 흘린눈물 Silent tears shed.

다시새로 태어남에 Being born anew,
그동안에 살아온삶 Reflecting on the past life,
벅찬가슴 업에대해 Repenting for burdens,
사죄하고 용서빌며 Seeking forgiveness,
고마움에 감사하네 Thankful for grace.

나를알고 진리알고 Knowing oneself, knowing truth,
영생함을 알고나니 Knowing eternal life,
온몸으로 경배하고 Bowing with one's whole body,
평생토록 하나님을 Offering a life for God
위한삶을 바친다네 Throughout one's life.








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