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게송 (揭頌) 1

56절. 열반 Nirvana

by 꽃단청 2024. 3. 16.


56절. 열반 Verse 56. Nirvana                                                 



태어나서 보고듣고 Since I was born, I've seen and heard it
생각함이 한순간도 I can't even think about it for a second
멈춤없는 고해바다 a never-ending sea of confession
그자리에 항상있고 Always present in that very place,
떠난적이 없었다네 Never departed.

일렁이는 파도속에 in the swaying waves
펼쳐지는 행불행이 The unfortunate and unfortunate situation unfolds
모두가다 자신만에   Everyone is in their own hands
벌어지는 일이라고  It's happening
착각하고 존재하네 You're mistaken

원래부터 없던것을 Creating what was never there,
스스로가 만들어서 Generating desires,
욕심내고 집착하여 Clutching and obsessing,
아상속에 생노병사 Living in the cycle of birth, aging, sickness, and death,
고통속에 살아가나 Enduring suffering.

피안이란 저먼곳에 The place called Nirvana,
어디엔가 따로있어  Far beyond,
가려하는 욕심으로  Even if sought with greedy desires,
찾아봐도 그자린데 It's already there,
믿지않고 못본다네 Unseen and disbelieved.

모든것을 다버리고 Abandoning everything,
진정으로 회계하여 Conducting a true self-audit,
열반언덕 도달하니 Reaching the hill of renunciation,
원래부터 존재함이 It becomes apparent,
허공과도 하나이네 It's one in the space








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