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33절. 포교 Evangelism

by 꽃단청 2024. 2. 22.


33절. 포교 Evangelism                                     



진리찾는 좋은방법 A good way to seek the truth,
포교위한 기본요소 The fundamental elements for evangelism,
전면적인 변화로서 As a comprehensive transformation,
제도화의 과정으로 In the process of institutionalization,
온세상을 포용하며 Embracing the whole world.

진리왕국 믿음운동 The kingdom of truth, the faith movement,
내면적인 윤리운동 An inner ethical movement,
체계적인 교리정립  Systematic establishment of doctrines,
현대적인 조직기능 Modern organizational functions,
전문가의 교육양성 Education and training of experts.

글과말을 통한전달 Transmission through writing and speech,
수련통한 진리체득 Attaining the truth through practice,
단체강연 써클활동 Group lectures and circle activities,
책을통한 간접방식 Indirect methods through books,
설법통한 직접방식 Direct methods through preaching.

연고통해 소문듣고 Spreading rumors through connections,
교단찾은 사람에게 Showing the power of truth
설법이나 의례통해 To those who seek the congregation,
진리권능 보여주고 Using preaching and rituals,
새로운삶 비젼제시 Presenting a vision of a new life.

치병이나 수복등의 Demonstrating practical powers,
현실적인 권능보여 Such as healing and recovery,
고통스런 현실넘어 Beyond the painful reality,
조만간에 건설되는 Promising the construction
후천세계 약속됨을 Of a utopian world in the near future.






