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게송 (揭頌) 2

31. 도술 Magic

by 꽃단청 2024. 6. 11.

31. 도술 Magic                                                                         


하루밤에 천리가고  Traveling thousands of miles overnight,
마음대로 변신하니  Transforming as I please,
손오공도 안부럽네  Even Sun Wukong would envy me.

구름타고 천계여행  Traveling to heaven on clouds,
마음대로 오고가니  Coming and going as I please,
모든것이 내속일세  Everything is within me.

석가모니 오지봉이  Sakyamuni came to the mountain,
나의손에 있었으니  It was in my hands.
이내속이 천지이네  Within this mind, there is heaven and earth.

이천지속 태워버려  Burn it all within this heaven and earth,
깨끗하게 정화하니  Purifying it all immaculately.
스승께서 반기시네  The master nods in approval.





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