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게송 (揭頌) 1

114절. 음양조화 Harmony of Yin and Yang

by 꽃단청 2024. 5. 12.

114절. 음양조화 Harmony of Yin and Yang                        

음양조화 Harmony of Yin and Yang


모든만물 생겨남은   All things come into existence
음양조화 통하여서  Through the harmony of yin and yang,
생겨나고 자라나며  They arise and grow,
그중하나 없어지면   If one of them disappears,
부조화로 어긋나네   It causes imbalance and discord.

밝음있어 어둠있고   There is brightness because there is darkness,
여름겨울 남자여자   Summer and winter, male and female,
일출일몰 하늘과땅   Sunrise and sunset, sky and earth,
대립되는 두기운이   The opposing energies
서로조화 이뤄지네   Achieve harmony.

천지간에 도리이며    It is the way of heaven and earth,
세상만물 바탕이고   The foundation of all things in the world,
변화들의 근원이고   The origin of changes,
삶과죽음 시작이며   The beginning of life and death,
생명활동 근본이치   The essence of life activities.

생명운동 음양기운   The movements of life, 

                                 the energies of yin and yang,
삼라만상 모든우주   The Trinity of all things in the universe,
대립하는 기운들이   The opposing energies,
상호작용 함으로서   Through mutual interaction,
그기운에 유지되네   Sustain those energies.

음양이란 존재하는   Yin and yang are
근본적인 분류체계   Fundamental classification systems
이우주에 내재하는    Existing in this universe,
힘에대한 기본원리   The basic principles, Of the inherent power,
상징적인 상관관계   Symbolic interrelationships.


음양조화 Harmony of Yin and Yang







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