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명상/게송 (揭頌) 1

111절. 증득/수용 Acquisition/Acceptance

by 꽃단청 2024. 5. 9.

111절. 증득/수용 Acquisition/Acceptance                          


증득/수용 Acquisition/Acceptance

부처님의 예수님의   Following the teachings
가르침을 따라가서   Of the Buddha and Jesus,
내집으로 돌아가니   Returning home,
살림살이 풍족하고   My household is abundant,
마음또한 편안하네   And my mind is at ease.

내마음의 평화로움   The peacefulness of my mind,
신에대해 명확하게   Clearly understanding divinity,
증득하고 수용하니   Acquiring and accepting it,
세상에는 부러울게   There is nothing to envy
가질것이 없다하네   In this world.

모든것에 해방되고   Being liberated from everything,
하나님이 온누리에   God dwells with me
나와함께 거하시니   Throughout the universe,
두려울게 무엇인가   There is nothing to fear,
거침없이 행을하네   I walk without hesitation.

이세상이 불국토요   This world is the land of enlightenment,
천국이며 피안세계   It is heaven, a peaceful world,
생사윤회 벗어나고   Transcending the cycle of birth and death,
고마움과 감사함에   Living a life of gratitude and thankfulness,
여여한삶 살아가네   Contentedly.

깨달음의 내적체험   Through the internal experience of enlightenment,
쉬운방편 찾았으니   Having found an easy way,
이제부터 이깨침을   Now, with this realization,
다른사람 수용하게   Guiding and converting others,
지도하고 교화하세   Teaching them.








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