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게송 (揭頌) 1

112절. 하나 Oneness

by 꽃단청 2024. 5. 10.

112절. 하나 Oneness                                                              


하나 Oneness

몸마음은 하나로서 Body and mind are one,
몸아프면 심란하고 When the body is sick, the mind is troubled,
마음또한 심란하면 And when the mind is troubled,
몸도따라 축쳐져서 The body follows suit, reluctant
움직이기 싫어하네 To move.

자신몸을 사랑하면 If one loves their own body,
치장하여 나타내고 They adorn it to show off,
살을뺀다 다이어트 They shed weight, go on diets,
남들에게 잘보이자 Trying to look good to others,
노력하고 행동하네 Making efforts and taking action.

우울증에 걸린사람 For those with depression,
목소리가 힘이없고 Their voice lacks strength,
움직임이 느려지고 Their movements slow down,
기운표정 생기없고 Their facial expressions lifeless,
땅바닥만 바라보네 They only stare at the ground.

기분좋고 즐거우면 When feeling good and joyful,
이세상이 내것인듯 It's as if they own the world,
에너지가 넘치면서 Overflowing with energy,
활발하게 움직이며 Moving vigorously,
당당하게 말을하네 Speaking confidently.

생각들을 통하여서 Through thoughts,
감정들이 유발되고 Emotions are aroused,
감정들이 몸을통해  And emotions, through the body,
그대로를 반영하니 Are reflected directly,
몸에영향 끼친다네 Affecting the body.       








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