107절. 소중함 Preciousness
무엇인가 믿을때는 When you believe in something
확신갖고 믿을때와 It's time to be sure and believe
확신없이 믿을때가 I'm not sure when I trust you
있음으로 말미암아 by the presence of
갈대되어 움직이네 It's reed and moving
확신없이 믿을때는 When you believe without certainty,
조금이라 흔들리면 Even a slight sway
참여함이 떨어지고 Causes a decrease in commitment
회이감이 많이들어 And a lot of hesitation,
어느순간 멀어지네 And you end up drifting away at some point.
흔들리는 사람들은 For those who sway,
집중적인 보살핌과 Intensive care and
마음으로 다둑거려 Tending with the heart
회의감이 안들도록 Are necessary to prevent doubt
집중관리 필요하네 And require concentrated management.
모임속에 어울리게 To fit in with gatherings,
믿음으로 포용하고 Embrace with faith
잃어버린 나를찾아 And find the lost self,
하나님을 공경함이 Feeling that worshiping God
진리임을 느끼도록 Is the truth.
이세상에 나와함께 Always believing
모든곳에 존재하는 In God who exists everywhere
하나님을 항상믿고 In this world with me,
따르는것 진리임을 And following is the truth
그속에서 살아감을 Of living within it.
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