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게송 (揭頌) 1

95절. 선업 Merit and Deeds

by 꽃단청 2024. 4. 23.

95절. 선업 Merit and Deeds                                                  


선업 Merit and Deeds

행을해도 함이없는 Even if one performs deeds
온갖공덕 짓고서도 Without expectation of reward,
그공덕을 받고자도 Engaging in all sorts of virtues,
탐하지도 아니하니 Not even desiring to receive them,
그공덕이 참이라네 Those virtues are true.

복덕짓고 받고자면 If one performs virtuous deeds
그순간에 내마음속 With the intention to receive,
행에대한 상대방에  In that moment, within my heart,
대가성의 바램으로  Towards the other party in the action,
업을쌓아 자리잡네 Accumulating merit with a sincere wish.

상대방과 관계에서 In relationships with others,
어느순간 나를위한 At any moment, the mind arises
받고자는 마음일어 Desiring to receive for oneself,
조금에도 서운하면 Even the slightest feeling of hurt,
옛날에는 어땠는데 Reflecting on the past, "How was it before?"

상대에게 서운한맘 Feeling hurt by the other party,
내비치며 나를위해 Hiding it, while expecting
과거대가 바라면서 Recompense from the past,
행할것을 강요하니 Forcing oneself to act accordingly,
과거행이 악업되네 The past deeds turn into evil actions.

모든것이 허상인데 Though everything is illusory,
스스로가 지옥속에 It seems as if one throws
몸을던진 모습일세 Oneself into hell,
무위의행 천국이요 Devoid of merit, it's the realm of heaven,
무생무아 불국토네 Non-existence, the land of enlightenment.








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