9절. 결실(結實) Fruit
진리세상 가르침은 The teachings of the world of truth,
정해진게 아니라네 There's nothing fixed,
이것만이 진리이고 This alone is the truth,
저것만이 진리이다 That alone is the truth,
집착할것 없다하네 There's nothing to cling to.
예수님의 가르침은 The teachings of Jesus,
이세상이 있는대로 As this world exists,
그대로가 진리로서 Just as it is, as the truth,
우주법계 평등하게 The universal laws equally,
비추어서 밝혀있네 Illuminate and reveal.
인간들이 진리자리 Humans, not seeing, not hearing,
보지않고 듣지않고 The place of truth,
시비분별 희로애락 Arguing, joy and sorrow,
스스로가 만들어서 They create themselves,
그틀속에 갇혀있네 Trapped in that frame.
원래에는 없는것을 What wasn't originally there,
집착번뇌 얽매여서 Bound by attachments and delusions,
분별하여 괴로웁고 Distinguishing, it's painful,
만들어낸 허상속에 In the illusions they've created,
착각하여 살아가네 They live in delusion.
진리만이 하나만이 Only the truth, only one,
평화만이 존재하는 Only peace exists,
천국에서 사는것은 Living in heaven,
모든것을 내려놓고 Letting go of everything,
사는것이 최선일세 That's the best way to live.
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