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게송 (揭頌) 2

55. 장벽 Barrier

by 꽃단청 2024. 7. 5.

55. 장벽 Barrier                                                                        


장벽 Barrier

마음의 공부는 하나를 아는것
Studying the mind is knowing one thing
하늘이 무언지 만상이 무언지
What the sky is, what phenomena are
우리가 무언지 그것을 아는것
Understanding what we are
깨우쳐 아는것 느껴서 아는것
Waking up, feeling, knowing

모두가 진리를 깨달아 가는것
Everyone is realizing the truth
진리를 안다고 공함속 있다고
Thinking you know the truth, existing in arrogance
언어에 매있는 그대는 아는가
Do you, bound by language, know?
넘어야 해탈의 경지를 가는것
You must transcend to reach liberation

여지껏 닦아온 기본을 흔드나
Have you shaken the foundation you've built so far
이것을 넘으면 천국이 있는데
Beyond this lies heaven
진정한 마음은 모든것 없는것
True mind is the absence of everything
꺼리낌 없는것 그냥인 그대로
Without hesitation, just as it is


장벽 Barrier



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