38, 하루 One Day
삶도 내삶이요 Life is my life,
맘도 내맘인데 Heart is my heart,
마음 더럽히고 Yet I dirty my heart,
살며 고생하네 And live while suffering.
매일 죄짓고서 Every day committing sins,
마음 닦는다고 But claiming to purify the heart,
앉아 눈을감고 Sitting, closing my eyes,
나를 바라보네 Looking at myself.
바램 없어졌나 Have I lost my desires?
시비 안하는가 Am I not arguing?
세상 천국인가 Is this world heaven?
한것 아무것도 Nothing matters anymore.
버림 내맘이니 Casting away, it's my mind,
없음 내가알고 Knowing absence, I am,
있음 내가아니 Knowing presence, I am not,
알고 죄짓구나 Knowing, I commit sins.
이제 깨침얻고 Now, attaining enlightenment,
마귀 밀쳐내니 Driving away demons,
오늘 새롭구나 Today is new,
하루 또한가네 Just another day.
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