87. 우리가족 Our Family
세상처음 부모님이
At the beginning of the world, parents
자식들을 낳았다네
Gave birth to children
그중에서 말썽쟁이
Among them, troublemakers
아이들을 낳았는데
They had children
자라면서 부모마음
As they grew, unaware of parents' hearts
모르고서 말썽피네
They caused trouble
이놈자식 어떡허나
What to do with these children
인성교육 자식교육
Character education, child education
자식들이 잘되라고
So the children would do well
인성교육 시켰다네
They gave them character education
가지많은 나무에는
A tree with many branches
바람잘날 없지만은
Is never without wind
그중에서 되는놈이
Among them, some will succeed
있겠거니 하여서는
Thinking there might be
교육시켜 사람되게
Educating them to become people
이리저리 하여보네
Trying this and that
여러가지 교육자료
With various educational materials
만들어서 가르치니
Made and taught
그중에서 서너명이
Among them, three or four
알아듣고 정신차려
Understand and come to their senses
동생들을 가르치네
They teach their younger siblings
정신차린 놈들이라
Those who came to their senses
애정주고 이뻐하니
Gave love and affection
그중에도 못됨놈이
Among them, some are still bad
애비상투 틀어쥐고
Grabbing their father's topknot
지가애비 한다하네
Claiming to be the father
세상순리 변치않아
The way of the world doesn't change
부모자식 바뀔손가
Can parents and children switch places?
남은자식 훈시하여
Advising the remaining children
동생들을 바른길로
To guide their younger siblings on the right path
가르치는 틀을잡네
They set the framework for teaching
시간지나 이제서야
As time passes, now
자식들이 알아주네
The children understand
부모님이 고생하신
The hardships the parents endured
마음고생 헤아리고
Understanding their heartaches
하나둘씩 집을찾아
One by one, returning home
돌아오니 즐거우네
They come back, bringing joy
텅빈집을 지킨부모
The parents who kept the empty house
이제서야 씨끌씨끌
Now it's bustling
인간사는 맛이나네
Now they taste the flavor of life
부모사랑 내리사랑
Parental love, descending love
자식들이 못하지만
The children can't fully reciprocate
바라보는 부모눈길
But the parents' gaze
따스하게 느껴지네
Feels warm
이제자라 부모되네
Now grown, they become parents
부모마음 같은마음
With the same heart as their parents
분가하여 자식낳고
They move out and have children
그자식을 교육할제
When educating those children
나의부모 그정신을
The spirit of my parents
이어받아 잘살며는
If they live well, inheriting it
근심걱정 없는가족
A family without worries
우리가족 만만세네
Our family, long live
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