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게송 (揭頌) 2

26. 실상세계 Real World

by 꽃단청 2024. 6. 6.

26. 실상세계 Real World                                                       


실상세계 Real World


실상의 세계 이곳도 나의 진리의식 안에서
In the world of reality, even here,

within my consciousness of truth
모두 진리로 다시나면, 이곳이 천극락이네
When everything returns to truth once again,

this place becomes heavenly bliss


살아서 죽어 회개하면 하느님 나라에 살며
Living and dying in repentance,

residing in the kingdom of God
살아서 자기의 업과 습을 닦아서 죽어보아
Living, polishing one's karma and habits,

and then experiencing death
나인 자기가 없으면 하느님을 볼수 있으며
If one lacks self, they can see God
하느님 자식으로 영생 천국에 살수 있으니
And as God's children,

they can live in eternal heaven
이것이 산제사이며, 이것을 진리라 한다네.

This is a living ritual, and this is called truth


이곳 만이 신의 아들로 다시 태어날수 있고
Only here can one be born again as God's son
천지만상을 나툰 곳이요, 천국이라 하지요
It is the place where heaven and earth are connected,

it is called heaven
진리가 된 유정일체가 모두 이곳에 살지요
Where the unity of truth and the universe all reside


실상세계 Real World





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