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게송 (揭頌) 2

006. 세상이치 Worldly Truth

by 꽃단청 2024. 5. 18.

006. 세상이치 Worldly Truth                                                   


세상이치 Worldly Truth


물이 흐르데에 뜻이 없으니
Water flows without intent,


인생사 세월가는데 뜻이 있으랴
Yet life's journey carries purpose.


좋고 나쁨이 없듯이 
Like good and bad, devoid of distinction,


깨달음과 못깨달음이 어디 있으랴
Enlightenment and ignorance have no fixed place.


왔다 갔다는것 또한 없으니
Coming and going are mere illusions,


나를 찾는다 못찾는다 헤메지마라
Do not wander in search of yourself.


그저 그대로 사는것이 세상이치라.
Living just as you are is the worldly truth.


세상이치 Worldly Truth




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